Hula Hooping

Little Kids – Be a Joyful Hooper

Song Suggestions:

“Beauty and the Beast” by Jordin Sparks
“Cupid Shuffle” by Cupid
“Fly to Your Heart” by Selena Gomez
“Ike La Ladana” by George Winston

Length:  1.5 hours         Age of Group::  Adults

•      10 hoops and 5 hoops ready for sale

Objectives – Student will be:  

•      Introduced to the concept of hooping

•      Find small successes that they CAN hoop!


Objectives – Moves Covered:

•      Basic waist hooping, Saving the Hoop

•      Hip hooping

•      Turning and walking

New Terminology:

•      Hooping/hula hooping

•      Current

•      Basic Breaks

•      T-Rex Hands

•      Turning

Energy Focus:

•      Playful

•      Build confidence through identifying small successes

•      Make connections

•      Casual and comfortable


Time Line Introduction

Warm-ups, stretching, introduction to each other

15 minutes •      Greet students at the door. Have them sign the waiver, fill out the sign-up sheet, make any payments needed and them direct them to sit down for the opening demonstration.

•      Introduce myself to the class and share my hoop story.

•      3-5 minute hoop dance performance and demo to music to inspire.

•      Recap my story to stress that anyone can learn to hoop.

•      Introduce the history of how hoop dance began. Explain and demo the difference between kids hoops and these hoops, and why they help.

•      Opening Circle:  Play the Prop Toss Name Game – Go around the room and have everyone share their name and small bit of info about themselves.

•      Icebreaker Activity: After all names introduced, give the group a small ball to roll back and forth. Whoever has the prop must say the name of someone in the group and then pass it to them…until everyone has a turn. This gives them a chance to solidify everyone’s name in the group in their minds.


15 minutes



•      Bean Bag Toss – Skills developed: gradually challenging and have fun!

•      Materials: a medium sized hula hoop and bean bags

•      The group stands at one end of the room.

•      A hula hoop is on the floor in front of the group about 5 feet to start.

•      Have them each throw 3-5 beanbags.

•      Push the hula hoop farther away for each round, gradually making the game more challenging.


5 minutes Stretching

•      In the background, play, “Beauty and the Beast” by Jordin Sparks.

•      Standing: Rolling the shoulders, arm stretches across front and over the head, neck rolls, side stretch to each side by leaning over at the waist and reaching the opposite arm over your head. Circling the ankles, touching the toes, and then a lunge to stretch the calves.

•      Shake the body out and make a silly noise!



30 minutes


•      Introduce what will be covered in class, giving a short demo of the moves planned.

•      Waist Hooping – Have them practice both currents. Finding out which one feels more comfortable. Maintaining and saving the hoop. Invite them to drop the hoop and then try to save it.

•      Hip Hooping – Focus on rotating the pelvic region.

•      Walking – Have them walk around the room in a circle.

•      Dipping the Hands into the Hoop – While still walking in the circle, say, “Take a look at our hands!” Most people will be in a T-Rex mode. Mention the term and ask them to raise their arms, move them in space and explore moving their wrists. Then demonstrate how to dip into the hoop.

•      Turning: Same direction and Stalls.

•      Basic Breaks and Reversals on the body.

•      Playing Catch-Use a bouncy ball and have students waist hoop and move freely around the room focusing on throwing and catching the ball between each other.

10 minutes Break

Time for snacks, water, bathroom breaks and chatting. Take hoop orders during this time.

5 minutes After Break Hoop Jam

Play: “Cupid Shuffle” by Cupid, to bring up the energy after the break. Song has directions to the left and right, turning, kicking and walking with the hoop.

15 minutes Closure

•      Review moves covered

•      Review new definitions

•      Open the floor for questions

•      Go around the circle and ask each student to describe their experience with one word.


5 minutes Closing Hoop Jam

•      Play: “Fly to Your Heart” by Selena Gomez. This song is positive, encouraging, but not too upbeat.

•      Hoop along with the moves students were taught.

5 minutes Cool Down

•      Play: “Ike La Ladana” by George Winston

•      Standing: Front thigh stretch by holding the foot, lunges to the front to stretch the calves and lunges to the side. Side stretch to each side by leaning over the waist and reaching the opposite arm over head. Neck rolls, rolling shoulders, and arm stretches across the front and behind the head.

•      Sitting: Touching the toes, butterfly sitting, back twist, hip opener.

•      Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise if time permits.

•      Closing Circle: Thank everyone for participating and mention that each of them is on their way into their own hoop dance journey. Hand out the trick breakdown sheets for this week and dismiss class. Tie up loose ends as people pack up, collecting any remaining payments, taking hoop orders, etc.

•      Provide each student with a Progress Chart Handout or email it now that you have everyone’s email:)



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